Dubai: A Popular Choice For Expanding Your Business

John Marcarian   |   28 Jul 2023   |   4 min read

In today’s world we have incredible opportunities to build our business beyond our own shores and reach into expansive international markets. Indeed, the number of expats is growing so fast that if all the expats were members of a country, it would be one of the fastest growing countries in the world.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the most popular destinations for expats. As of 2023 the UAE is called home by approximately 10.2 million people. A staggering 85% of the individuals who comprise that population, are expats. When you look at why Dubai is an attractive market for businesses, it’s not hard to see why this temptation to join the shores of the UAE is hard to pass.

In this article we’ll look at the appeal of Dubai as a destination to expand your business to, and what you need to know when you’re ready to expand your business to Dubai.

The Appealing Business Market of Dubai

The simplified and diversified economy of Dubai makes it an attractive place to set up your international business. Some of the key reasons that Dubai is particularly appealing include:

1. Minimal Tax Regime In The UAE

One of the most appealing benefits of doing business in Dubai is a minimal tax regime. Company taxes are low and there is no income tax on individuals and no capital gains tax. 

2. Free Trade Zones

The UAE includes a number of Free Trade Zones, with about 20 located in Dubai. Free Trade Zones are geographical locations where people from any other country can come in and set up their international business, without requiring a local connection. Businesses located in Free Trade Zones can operate their business within their zone and internationally. Each Free Trade zone has their own rules, regulations and incentives. 

This differs from Mainland zones. Mainland Zones have more rigorous entry requirements, including local sponsorships, before your business can set up and operate. These Zones are regulated by the Department of Economic Development (DED). However, a business operating in a Mainland Zone is able to trade within the UAE, as well as internationally.

3. A Robust, Yet Simplified and Diversified Economy With A Strong Exchange Rate and Access To Resources

Balancing a safe and robust standard of governance, with minimal taxation responsibilities,       Dubai offers a world-class infrastructure and is well known as a world-class financial hub for business operations. The local economy is strong and the UAE has a solid exchange rate. 

As a popular location for expats around the world, there is also a rich and diverse supply of experience and professional skills on location. 

Furthermore, the local government is a strong advocate for developing ideas and facilitation of growth and progress. As a technologically advanced nation, Dubai also has access to significant beneficial resources.

4. Limited Restrictions and Regulations On Your Company

There is no restriction on capital repatriations. This means that your company can return any investments to foreign owners, without limitations. 

Share capital requirements are minimal, with no minimum amount of capital required for limited liability companies. This ensures that your company can be established with the flexibility to suit your purposes. 

Unlike many countries, there is no requirement to have a physical office established to operate in Dubai. 

Due to the minimal amount of regulations, when compared to other onshore jurisdictions the costs of setup in Dubai are low.

5. Geographically Ideal Location

Geographically, Dubai provides a strategic position for businesses looking to expand to the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Africa. As such it is an ideal location to set up a range of businesses including import/export, logistics, tourism, and more. 

For transportation, Dubai offers access to the largest sea and airports in the world.

6. Strong Connections With the Worldwide Economy and Worldwide Business Standards

The UAE has signed up with the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), as part of the global standard for the exchange of information, including allowing countries to exchange tax data between participants. This helps with the prevention of fraud, and aids in the management of business matters across international borders. 

In essence, Dubai is an appealing place to run a business because of the ease and convenience of doing business there, solid business standards, access to resources, and the simple and low tax regime that applies.


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Australian Expats Living In The USA: Understanding Your Investment Property Tax Obligations

John Marcarian   |   26 Jul 2023   |   8 min read

As an Australian expat living in the USA you may have to contend with the impact of taxes on property that you own in Australia or in the USA.

The types of taxes relating to property that you may need to consider include:

  • Income taxes
  • Capital gains tax (CGT)
  • Local taxes such as land tax in Australia or Property Taxes in the USA
  • If you inherit property in the USA you may also be subject to inheritance taxes

Since your country of residence will have an impact on how you are taxed for income and capital gains purposes, this article assumes you are a USA tax resident. You can read more about US tax residency in our article ‘Managing Dual Tax Residency as an Expat‘.

Australian Property Taxes

Once you cease to be an Australian resident for tax purposes the taxes you pay on income generated from Australian owned property changes, in potentially significant ways.

Income Generated From Your Property

As a non-resident for Australian tax purposes, any income generated from Australian real property will need to be declared and taxed in your annual tax return on a non-resident basis. This means there is no tax free threshold and your income is taxed at foreign tax rates.

When you lodge your Australian tax return, any tax paid to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), can be claimed as a tax credit in your USA tax return.

This will apply to any property you retain in Australia as an investment property, or any new property you invest in that is located within Australia.

Changes To The Way CGT Applies When You Move To The USA

Your Main Residence

As an Australian tax resident your main residence is exempt from capital gains tax (CGT).  However, when you move overseas and become a non-resident, this exemption ceases to apply, except in limited circumstances

If you have already moved to the US, but intend to return to Australia at some point, your main residence exemption will again be accessible, but only on a pro-rata basis, as long as you are once again an Australian resident at the time you sell your former main residence.

CGT Discount

Australian residents are ordinarily given a 50% CGT discount on assets that are sold after 12 months of ownership. This discount is not available to foreign residents for assets acquired after 8 May 2012. For any property that you acquired after this date you will only be able to utilise the 50% CGT discount on a pro-rata basis for any period that you were an Australian resident.

Note that the discount cannot be applied for any period of ownership where you are or were a non-resident. This means that even if you return to Australia as an Australian tax resident, you will be unable to apply the CGT discount for your time as a non-resident.

Land Taxes

As land tax is applied on a state-by-state basis, the rules and calculations for this tax will vary depending on the location of your property.

It is important to note that some states apply a foreign surcharge on the taxable value of land. This means that your land tax costs may be more expensive while you are a non-resident of Australia.

Transfer of Property (Stamp Duty)

When you purchase property in Australia you are subject to stamp duty on the value of the property. Stamp duty is applicable on a state level which means that the assessment criteria and rate of calculation, including any exemptions or reductions, varies between states.

Declaring Australian Sourced Property Income

You will need to declare any income you earn from your Australian investment property on your US tax return. You can also claim a credit for any tax paid on the income to the ATO. 

USA Property Taxes

The USA has a lengthier range of taxes and a generally more complex tax system. This is because taxes may be applied on a Local government level, as well as State and Federal levels. With the USA being a much larger country than Australia, taxes can be quite complicated.

Income Taxes

If you hold investment property in the USA you will be taxed on the income generated from renting the property. Unlike Australia, income is taxed on both a Federal and a State level in the USA. This means you are required to lodge both a Federal and a State tax return, unless you are in a state that does not apply income tax.

Capital Gains Tax

The US has a Capital Gains Tax regime that is similar to Australia’s Capital Gains Tax regime.

There are exemptions for primary residences, provided certain conditions are met, and long-term capital gains, defined as assets that are owned for more than a year, are taxed at a preferential rate.

Whereas Australia gives a flat 50% discount after 12 months of ownership, the US applies a progressive, preferential rate of tax which depends on your total taxable income. The rate of tax that is applied to long-term capital gains may be 0%, 15% or 20%.

Local Property Taxes

Property Taxes are imposed by Local governments, which means they vary widely depending on the location of your property. The Local governments that impose these taxes includes counties, cities, and school districts.

The closest comparison in Australia would be land tax. However, while land tax in Australia is assessed on just the value of the land, Property Tax in the USA is assessed on the overall value of the home, including both the land and the property structure. Also, while Australians typically find that their main residence is exempt from Land Tax, US property owners are usually subject to Property Tax, even on their main residence.

The assessed value of your property will determine how much property tax you are required to pay, and this assessment is periodically reviewed, including when there are significant changes made to the property. Assessment is based on a unit known as “a mill”, which is the equivalent of one-thousandth of a dollar.

Some jurisdictions offer exemptions or deductions that can reduce your property tax liability. Exemptions and reductions may cover factors such as the property being your primary residence, or personal factors, such as age, disability, or veteran’s status.

For states that have a “homestead exemption”, Property Taxes are reduced on your main residence. Most states allow between $5,000 and $500,000 of your main residence to be exempt from Property Tax, with larger exemptions for married couples or joint owners. Conversely, some states do not have this exemption at all.

These taxes are ordinarily due annually or semi-annually, depending on the jurisdiction. Penalties and interest can apply for late payments, so it is important to be aware of your local property tax requirements.

Transfer Taxes (Conveyance or Deed Taxes)

When you transfer property between one person or entity, to another, you will also be assessed for transfer taxes, otherwise known as conveyance or deed taxes. Since transfer taxes are administered by the Local government, who pays these taxes, and how much they are, varies significantly between States, and sometimes even between counties within a State. Transfer taxes may be payable by the seller, the buyer, or both.

Estate and Inheritance Taxes

Unlike Australia, most States of the USA have a specific estate and inheritance tax.

Estate taxes are levied on the total value of a deceased person’s estate, before it is distributed to the beneficiaries of the estate. Conversely, inheritance taxes are imposed on the heirs who take ownership of the assets.

These taxes are also applied on a State level, which means the rules and tax rates can vary significantly, and not all States impose them.

Australian Tax Resident

Note that there may be different outcomes if you only are living in the USA on a short-term basis and remain an Australian tax resident instead of becoming a US resident.

It would also mean that you are required to lodge a US tax return as a non-resident. You would then lodge an Australian tax return as a resident, declaring worldwide income, including the foreign income and foreign tax credits from the US.

Understand Your Property Tax Obligations

Taxes on Property, from Property Taxes imposed on ongoing ownership of property, through to taxes on rental income from investment property and CGT, can be extensive. When you are contending with holding property overseas and required to deal with international taxes, it can be even more complex.

Since tax legislation can vary significantly, even between States within the same country, and laws are often adjusted and updated, it is important that you always seek the most up to date tax advice for your situation. 


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Managing Dual Tax Residency as an Expat

Daniel Wilkie   |   11 Jul 2023   |   10 min read

When you live and work solely in one country, tax residency is straightforward. However, if you are living away from your home country or living between multiple countries, then determining tax residency is complicated.

One of the difficulties in determining tax residency is that the laws applied to residency differ in each country. This means you may simultaneously meet the residency requirements in multiple countries within a given tax period. Alternatively, if you live a particularly transitory life, it may be difficult to identify primary residency.

Note that tax residency is different to citizenship or visa residency. This article discusses what you need to know about tax residency.

Why Residency Matters

As each country has their own rules for taxation, it is important to know which country has taxation rights over you as an individual resident. This is why residency is such a foundational concept.

Being a tax resident of multiple countries has potential implications on how your worldwide income is taxed. Generally, your country of residence has primary taxing rights over your income. It also raises double taxation concerns, with competing tax jurisdictions aiming to potentially tax the same income. As countries sometimes tax the same income, a dual tax resident could face significant tax consequences. For this reason, tax treaties between countries exist to help resolve conflicting taxation rights, including determining tax residency.

As this can be a particularly complex issue it is important to ensure that you consult with qualified tax professionals who are familiar with the tax laws of each country. The following information provides a general overview of the potential tax consequences of being a tax resident in multiple countries.

Taxation Rights

Once residency is determined, your country of residence will have the primary taxing rights. Income that is taxable from other sources will be taxed as income earned by a non-resident.

Double Tax Agreements (DTAs) between countries cover a range of factors to help mitigate double taxation issues, including who has primary taxing rights of specific types of income and can include limitations on the taxing rights of the country where the taxpayer is a non-resident.

For countries that tax on a territorial basis, the country of residence might only legislate taxation over income derived from the country of residence, or foreign income that is remitted into the country.

However, countries that tax on a worldwide basis assess all income earned by the individual, regardless of the source of income.

In either case, DTAs, and other tax relief provisions help alleviate the impact of being taxed in multiple countries. This typically means that when you pay foreign tax on foreign sourced income, your country of residence will count this tax towards the tax they assess on this income.

Tax Residency

As each country has its own rules for determining residency, your first step is working out whether you are a resident in each country that you are connected to. To give an example of how this works we consider the tax residency rules of Australia, Singapore, the USA and the UK.

Tax Residency In Australia

How Residency Is Determined

There are a number of tests used to determine residency in Australia, which are essentially designed to determine whether Australia is your home. This means that you are an Australian tax resident if you reside in Australia, or intend to reside in Australia for a significant period of time, and you have a permanent home there.

If you are an Australian permanent resident who is living and working overseas on a temporary basis, you may still be considered a tax resident of  Australia. If you have not established a permanent place of abode outside Australia, then your Australian tax residency will continue. A permanent place of abode is a place where you live and consider your home. This means you may still be considered an Australian tax resident even if you are not physically present in Australia for a given tax year. Individuals who are not Australian citizens may also remain Australian tax residents if they travel overseas for short periods of time, while maintaining their home in Australia.

In an income tax year where you become or cease being a resident you will be considered a part-year tax resident.

Income Taxes as a Resident

Australian tax residents are assessed on worldwide income. This includes all forms of income including capital gains.

Tax Residency In Singapore

How Residency Is Determined

In Singapore you are a tax resident when you are physically present in Singapore for at least 183 days in a calendar year.

Income Taxes as a Resident

Singapore tax residents are typically only required to pay tax on Singapore sourced income, or foreign income that is brought into Singapore. Singapore does not tax capital gains.

Tax Residency In The USA

How Residency Is Determined

In the USA, all US citizens and dual citizens are required to lodge a tax return to declare their worldwide income, regardless of their tax residency.

Non-citizens are tax residents if they hold a Green Card that legally allows permanent residency.

Tax residency is determined by a physical presence test. This test requires physical presence in the USA for at least 31 days in the relevant calendar year, after being present for a specific number of days totalling at least 183 days over the preceding two years.

Income Taxes as a Resident

Both citizens and tax residents of the USA are taxed on their worldwide income. Citizens are taxed on worldwide income even if they no longer reside in the US and do not meet the residency test. There are some foreign earning exclusions for individuals who meet specific requirements.

Tax Residency In The UK

How Residency Is Determined

In the UK you are a tax resident under the Statutory Residence Test. This test considers a range of factors including the number of days you are present in the UK, your connections to the country, and other relevant criteria.

The UK has an automatic overseas test. This means if you spend less than 16 days in the UK (or less than 46 days if you have not been a UK resident for the previous 3 tax years), or you are working abroad full-time and spend less than 91 days in the UK, then you are a non-resident.

There are three automatic resident tests:

  1. You are present in the UK for at least 183 days.
  2. Your only home is in the UK for at least 91 days in a row, and you visited or stayed for at least 30 days in the tax year.
  3.  You worked full time in the UK for any period of 365 days and at least one of those days falls in the tax year you’re checking.

Where you do not meet either automatic test the “sufficient ties test” will determine if you are a resident. This test considers your UK connections, including family, accommodation, work, and physical presence, over a number of years.

Income Taxes as a Resident

UK tax residents are taxed on their worldwide income. However, non-UK sourced income may be exempt from UK taxation in certain circumstances.

Dual Residency

As can be seen from the various residency tests of just these four countries, there is variety in how residency is determined and the tax implications this could lead to. Given the variation in tests, you could easily be considered a resident of multiple countries over a single tax year.

When an individual is a tax resident in multiple countries the next step is to determine if there are tie breaker rules contained in a DTA. These rules provide guidance on determining an individual’s primary place of residence.

Residency Tie Breaker Rules

Most countries adopt the Mutual Agreement Procedure, specifically Article 4 of the OECD Model Tax Convention, to resolve dual residence situations. Accordingly, there is a fairly standard set of tie breaker rules across various DTAs. These tiebreaker rules are outlined as follows:

  1. Permanent Home – Where you have a permanent home in one country but not the other, you will be a resident of the country where your home is located.
  2. Centre of Vital Interests – The country in which you have closer personal and economic connections will be your country of residence. This may include family and personal ties, social and economic activities such as work and club memberships, and where you keep your main assets.
  3. Habitual Above – Where neither of the previous tests assist, the country where you regularly abide or reside in will be your country of residence.
  4. Nationality – Where none of the previous tests assist you will be a resident of the country in which you are a national.

In most cases an individual will be able to determine their residence using one of these tie breaker rules.

When it comes to Australia, Singapore, the USA and the UK, most of these countries adopt comprehensive DTAs between one another, in which Article 4 of the OECD Model Tax Convention is essentially utilised. This includes the DTAs between the following countries:

  • Australia and Singapore
  • Australia and the USA
  • Australia and the UK
  • Singapore and the UK       
  • The UK and the USA

Notably, there is no DTA between Singapore and the USA. This means that dual residents of Singapore and the USA will need to rely on the taxation rules and access to tax relief options in each country in order to avoid double taxation.

Dual Tax Residents

In very rare cases an individual may have sufficient ties to multiple countries in which they are either not a citizen, or in which they hold dual citizenship, leading to a situation whereby they may not be able to effectively use tie breaker residency rules to accurately determine their country of residence. This creates a complex situation wherein no country has clear priority for determining tax residency and a decision regarding residency is subjective.

This situation could theoretically lead to an individual being subject to taxes being assessed on their worldwide income in multiple tax jurisdictions. The Mutual Agreement Procedure contained in some DTAs enables a taxpayer to request the competent authority in one country to engage with their counterparts in another country to resolve double taxation.

Managing Dual Tax Residency

In summary, determining residency is an important factor because it determines which tax jurisdiction has primary taxation rights.

DTAs exist to help mitigate the risk of double taxation by providing tie breaker rules in determining residency and placing restrictions or limitations on taxation rights over certain types of income, as well as providing tax relief through the recognition of foreign tax credits.

Where no DTA exists, or where an individual’s residency cannot be determined, other provisions are required to mitigate the impact of double taxation. 

Tax residency can be a very complex area and it is recommended you seek specialist international tax advice for your particular situation. 


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