USA Outbound Transactions


A US outbound transaction occurs when a US business invests outside of the United States. Expanding your reach into a foreign market is desirable for many reasons, however it can lead to unexpected costs and additional compliance requirements.

Whether you are looking to increase distribution, acquire technology, or access lower cost resources, expanding your reach into a foreign market opens opportunities that could turn your successful business into a market leader. You don’t want taxes and compliance issues hindering these benefits.

As international tax experts, we will manage the impact of your business engaging with outbound transactions. With a footprint of advisory partners in the UK, Australia and Asia, we have broad capabilities and a worldwide network to support you around the globe.





Tax issues involve structuring, tax planning, payroll, accounts, income tax, state taxes, federal taxes, international taxes, succession planning and more. We provide proactive, tailored tax advisory services to really help your business grow.



Our team provide preparation and filing services for your income tax including Forms 1120, 1099, 1065 and State tax returns. We also assist with your W-2 and Schedule K-1 Forms and lodgement extension requests.



Contact our dedicated tax services team to obtain the tax advice you need for your US outbound transactions. With the personal attention needed to provide you with proper, tailored advice, you can navigate the complexities of international transactions with confidence.


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U.S. Estate Tax Exposure For Non-Residents With U.S. Assets 

24th Jun 2024
John Marcarian

Non-residents of the United States who own US assets can be subject to US estate tax, which can significantly impact their estate planning strategies  This article will discuss the exposure...


Understanding Section 962 of the IRC: An Essential Tool for U.S. Tax Residents with Foreign Investments

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The United States tax code presents a labyrinth of rules and regulations, particularly for US residents with investments in foreign corporations These complexities are magnified when dealing with...


Podcast: Avoiding Crypto Tax Pitfalls with Boon Tan and Chris Holland

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CST Tax Advisors

In a podcast episode of Barely Legal in Web 3, hosted by Jamilia Grier, Boon Tan, the managing director of CST Tax Advisors, and Chris Holland from Holland & Marie discussed the crypto tax...


U.S. Estate Tax Exposure For Non-Residents With U.S. Assets 

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John Marcarian

Non-residents of the United States who own US assets can be subject to US estate tax, which can significantly impact their estate planning...


Understanding Section 962 of the IRC: An Essential Tool for U.S. Tax Residents with Foreign Investments

30th May 2024
John Marcarian

The United States tax code presents a labyrinth of rules and regulations, particularly for US residents with investments in foreign corporations...


Podcast: Avoiding Crypto Tax Pitfalls with Boon Tan and Chris Holland

20th May 2024
CST Tax Advisors

In a podcast episode of Barely Legal in Web 3, hosted by Jamilia Grier, Boon Tan, the managing director of CST Tax Advisors, and Chris Holland from...