Australian expats in the UK: The tax advantage of non-domicile status and upcoming changes
22nd Nov 2016
Richard Feakins
Australian expats living and working in the UK that are considered “non-domiciled” have significant tax advantages compared to UK domiciled individuals A UK resident and domiciled individual...
Want to buy a UK property as a non-resident? Here are five tax considerations
16th Nov 2016
Richard Feakins
The pound’s value has dropped dramatically in recent times, and many foreign investors and expats in the UK are scurrying to buy UK property at unprecedented discounts If you, too, are looking to...
United Kingdom Property and Tax Updated
9th Mar 2014
Richard Feakins
CGT Proposals Details of the plans to impose Capital Gains Tax on gains arising to non-UK residents on the disposal of UK residential property have been published The proposals are wider than...
What Is A Trust?
21st Jan 2014
John Marcarian
1 What Is A Trust In essence a trust is simply a relationship where one person (the trustee) is under an obligation and holds or uses assets (trust property) for the benefit of another person (a...
EU Succession Law UK Opt Not The End of the Story
19th Jan 2014
Richard Feakins
Calls to harmonise the private international law governing succession across the EU, were enthusiastically welcomed ten years ago When finally enacted on 17 August 2012, the rather heftily titled...