One of the most exciting developments of the Fourth Industrial Revolution presently underway, due to the emergence of digital assets, is the long overdue prospect that there will be a global redistribution of wealth unlike anything seen before.
The decentralised nature of digital asset ownership, the freedom to trade on decentralised platforms and the transparent nature of blockchain technology, means that for the first time in history – centralised forms of authority no longer ‘run the global wealth game’.
In this paper, our Founder, John Marcarian provides a non-technical, general outline of:
- STOs;
- Tax issues to consider for STO issuers;
- Alternative structuring approaches to STOs;
- Tax issues to consider for STO participants;
- International state of play on STOs;
Taxation Issues for Security Token Offerings has been written by our Founder, John Marcarian
John is an Australian Chartered Accountant with over 25 years of experience.
John has a deep understanding of digital assets and the Fourth Industrial Revolution presently underway around the world in the area of blockchain and digital assets.
A recognised tax specialist in digital assets, John has a qualification from the MIT Sloan School of Management in BlockChain technologies.
He has contributed tax expertise to a specialist US publication on international tax and digital assets.
He works regularly with companies issuing tokens and other forms of digital assets. This unique blend of skills gives John a practical day to day knowledge of the business challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the digital asset market.