There are many situations where you may be required to lodge a tax return. This includes when you have untaxed income, or where you want to claim certain income tax reliefs.
If you are in any of the following situations, then contact us to see if you need to complete a tax return:
- earn income as a sole trader or business partnership
- let a property
- earn tips and commission
- have income from investments, such as interest income, dividends, and other investment distributions
- earn foreign income
- worked or lived overseas as a non-resident for part of the year
- are a foreign resident in the UK
- want to claim income tax reliefs
Self-Assessment Tax Return
We will provide the advice you need to ensure your return is completed accurately and maximise your claims. Then we will complete and lodge your return with HMRC on your behalf. It is the stress-free way to take care of your taxes.
Tax investigation
Being subject to a tax investigation can be stressful and time consuming. We will provide you with advice and act on your behalf to liaise with HMRC during your tax investigation. We will take the stress out and guide you through the process.
Property Accounting Services
As your property accounting team, we address property specific accounting issues, manage the finance function of your investment, assist with business plans, capital gains tax planning, and provide financial assessments.
Non-Resident Landlord Tax returns
Regardless of where you live in the world, if you own a property in the UK, you will be subject to UK taxes on that property. As international property experts we provide essential tax advice for managing your property from overseas, as well as preparing essential tax returns and reports.
As your agent, we can provide advice, asses your personal situation and lodge your tax returns where required.
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