20th Mar 2019
Richard Feakins
What are the tax consequences of arriving in the United Kingdom and becoming tax resident Once considered a tax resident of the UK, under the new Statutory Residence Test (SRT), which took effect...
Australian Expats Still Awaiting Decision On CGT Change
24th Jul 2018
Matthew Marcarian
In our...
Removal of CGT Main Residence Exemption For Australian Expatriates – Disastrous Tax Changes Now Imminent
25th Feb 2018
Matthew Marcarian
As we reported in our...
21st Jun 2017
Richard Feakins
Overview of Tax Residence Rules The Singapore Tax Act classifies taxpayers as either residents or non-residents This is important because residents and nonresidents are taxed in a different...
21st Jun 2017
Richard Feakins
Overview of US Tax Residence Rules The taxation of aliens by the United States is significantly affected by the residency status of such aliens Although the immigration laws of the United...
Australian Expat Alert – Budget Announces Main Residence CGT Changes
24th May 2017
Matthew Marcarian
Background Many Australian citizens who leave Australia and become non-residents (ie foreign residents for tax purposes) rent their former main residence while they are living...
Looking to expand your business into Australia?
6th Mar 2017
Richard Feakins
CST Tax Advisors in partnership with Littler and the Trade and Investment offices of Australia, invite you to attend this event aimed at providing essential information to companies looking to expand...
Autumn Statement: Confirmation of Non Dom Changes
25th Nov 2016
Richard Feakins
November 23, 2016 Overview The new UK Chancellor, Philip Hammond, gave his first Autumn Statement on 23 November 2016 As expected, the government confirmed that the reforms to the taxation of non-UK...
Tax issues for Australian companies expanding into the UK
22nd Nov 2016
Richard Feakins
Many Australian companies expand into the UK without a full understanding of the tax issues and advantages of effective tax and finance structuring between the Australian and UK operations Here are...