Australians Moving to the UK: A Brief Comparison of the Australian and UK Tax System
16th Mar 2021
Daniel Wilkie
The Australian tax system is surprisingly different to the UK tax system This makes a simple comparison between the two challenging Determining, from an individual taxpayer perspective,...
UK Budget 2021 – Changes that may affect you and your business
5th Mar 2021
Richard Feakins
The Chancellor Rishi Sunak presented his second Budget on Wednesday 3 March 2021 Against the backdrop of COVID and a 10% contraction in the economy, he set out a three step plan to ‘…protect the...
UK Tax Residence and the Impact of COVID-19
29th Oct 2020
Richard Feakins
Current Government rules and guidance around quarantine and travel restrictions could lead to an individual staying longer in the UK than originally intended – leading to an adverse impact on...
Australian Moving to the UK: How Do I Treat Non-UK Sourced Income?
15th Sep 2020
Daniel Wilkie
One of the top questions we are asked by Australians who are moving to the UK, is “how am I taxed on my non-UK sourced income in the UK” Since a UK non-resident would only be taxed on any UK...
Is your company taking advantage of valuable Research & Development tax breaks for small businesses?
13th May 2020
Richard Feakins
One of the key characteristics of a successful business is its ability to move with the times – by innovating and developing new product lines, features and improved processes The...
Electric vehicles – they really will save you tax…
9th Apr 2020
Richard Feakins
It’s not often that we get the chance to write about a great tax incentive from HMRC on company cars – like never! For years, employees with a company car have been hammered for tax alongside...
All changes for Capital Gains Tax from 6/4/2020 – Residential Property
12th Mar 2020
Richard Feakins
Residential property owners will need to be on the ball from 6 April 2020, when new rules come in for the reporting of Capital Gains and payment of Capital Gains Tax New Capital Gains Tax...
Making a check-the-box election as a foreign corporation
4th Mar 2020
Jurate Gulbinas
This article relates to foreign business founders with an active business, who are moving to the US There is a risk that foreign earnings may be double taxed when your organisation is taxed as a US...
Non-Residents Can No Longer Claim The CGT Main Residence Exemption
28th Jan 2020
Matthew Marcarian
On December 5th 2019 the contentious law denying non-residents the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) main residence exemption was passed This means that the update we...