Panel Talk: Crypto, Finance and Regulations

Boon Tan   |   12 Jun 2023   |   1 min read

Our Managing Director, Boon Tan recently joined a panel to discuss the compliance and regulation for crypto and finance at the Mandala Club in Singapore.

The panel titled: “Money Talk: Corporate Finance and Regulations” hosted by Headquarters, was focused mainly on the crypto guidelines and finance operations. In addition to Boon, the other three panelists were Wassielawyer, Chris Ngoi a consultant from KPMG and Galen Law-Kun from Double Peak Group.

The panelists discussed issues including the US stance on treating cryptocurrencies and the lawsuits against Binance and Coinbase.

As an expert in international taxation and blockchain himself, Boon shared his thoughts on the topic discussed, and the panel agreed that it would be unwise for a crypto company to set up in the USA.

Panelists shared their insights on the current state of the crypto business, merits of jurisdiction with regards to banking, political stability, and the opportunities for growth in the future. Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai were identified as the most suitable jurisdictions for the establishment of a crypto business.


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